work for

Florian Gouello

2022 - In progress

Sound / Music : Florian Gouello, John V
Pictures : Goledzinowski, David Maurel, Antonin Nkruma

Florian Gouello is a professional french drummer who was able to play for well-known french singers such as Julien Doré, Georgio or Clara Luciani. He asked me to help him promote his new drum loops packs. I’ve been working with him for a few months now and we created many covers for the packs (more in progress), and also some motion design to give more informations about the material he used to record these drum loops.

for drum

Here are the first 4 covers that I’ve made for Florian. All in a vintage style, processed like old vinyls to match the style he was looking for. As you can see, these are the first volumes, which means there are more to come, so stay tuned (:

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To promote his drum loops pack on social media and on his website, he asked me to do some motion design to explain what we can find in the packs, what equipment he used, etc … You can see all of the videos on his Youtube channel by clicking on the videos above.

Beside the fact that he is a great guy, his work is awesome too, and it’s a really good quality, so don’t hesitate to buy his drum loops.
Also the more you buy, the more work I get to show you (;